How to Clean an Oil Extractor, Oil Extractor Maintenance Tips


How to Clean an Oil Extractor, Oil Extractor Maintenance Tips

1.How to Clean an Oil Extractor, Oil Extractor Maintenance Tips

Immediately after using an oil extractor, it will usually look unsightly. You may, therefore, want to clean it. There are many methods to clean these tools. However, it’s important to understand how to do it the right way. Some solvents may cause damage and should not be used, while some cleaning methods may not produce the required results.

Here is how to clean an oil extractor using not water and alcohol.

Step 1 Drain all the Oil

● Drain the oil extractor tank of every drop of oil by placing it at a convenient and safe angle.

● If your extractor comes with a drain valve, open it to allow the oil to come out

● Use a recycling container to catch the oil. You can also use a bottle or jug.

Step 2 Clean the Oil Extractor Outer Surfaces

● Using the wet piece of cloth, wipe the outside of the oil extractor clean.

● Be sure to clean every surface including the joints

Step 3 Clean the Oil Extractor inside Surfaces

● Put alcohol into the oil extractor and let it flow to all parts

● The alcohol will break the remaining oil and make it easier to remove

Step 4 Flush the Oil Extractor

● Use hot water to flush the inside of the oil extractor

● Just like with the alcohol, allow the water to flow into every part

Step 5 Dry the Oil Extractor

● The water will not dry quickly and you risk damaging the parts

● Using a stream of air, dry out the water by directing the air into the inside of the extractor

● Once dry, replace everything and store your extractor in a safe place

Oil Extractor Maintenance Tips:

● 1. Regularly check and replace the filter as necessary.

● 2. Drain and clean the oil extractor after every use, especially if you used it with contaminated oil.

● 3. Store the oil extractor in a dry place, away from moisture and dust.

● 4. Follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule and procedures.

● 5. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials on the oil extractor to prevent damage.

These maintenance tips will help you avoid situations where you have the oil extractor not working out of the blue. It will also save you the unnecessary costs of having to replace the extractor too soon. Some extractors are costly investments and you want them to last as long as possible.

Post time: Jun-13-2023